Using 2N VoiceBlue Enterprise as a Simple VoIP SIP PBX
Released on = December 9, 2005, 1:55 am
Press Release Author = 2N Telekomunikace a. s.
Industry = Telecommunications
Press Release Summary = This guide will show you how to easily configure the VoiceBlue Enterprise GSM IP gateway as a SIP proxy for routing of outgoing calls to GSM. The procedure described bellow assumes the use of a SIP proxy integrated in the VoiceBlue Enterprise GSM gateway. The SIP proxy is a software application whose function is to process signalling (call establishing and terminating, user and telephone rights, etc.).
Press Release Body = This guide will show you how to easily configure the VoiceBlue Enterprise GSM IP gateway as a SIP proxy for routing of outgoing calls to GSM. The procedure described bellow assumes the use of a SIP proxy integrated in the VoiceBlue Enterprise GSM gateway. The SIP proxy is a software application whose function is to process signalling (call establishing and terminating, user and telephone rights, etc.). Let us consider a network of the structure shown in the figure below.
After setting the proper gateway IP address, get connected to the VoiceBlue GSM VoIP gateway by means of the http protocol. Please make sure that you are using the latest firmware.
Now specify the user rights in the User management bookmark. These rights designate what each user is allowed to configure and modify. Rights groups are created to eliminate the need to specify access rights for each user individually. Click on \'Add group\' in the Groups menu.
The meaning of the rights is as follows: USERS+LINES+LCR - rights concerning the whole system USERS - definition of user accounts and groups LINES - communication line settings LCR - Least Cost Router configuration
You can create a group and assign a combination of the rights to it.
Define the authentication of the SIP telephone to the integrated SIP proxy and its accounts for web interface login in the Users menu. For the Add user window see below.
You can assign the user to one of the existing groups and, besides, set special rights for this user. The default application is the initial bookmark that is active at the instant of login.
Afterwards, select the Configuration bookmark and go to \'SIP lines\' in the Devices item. The SIP lines are defined to ensure communication with other SIP using VoIP equipment. Now, we are going to register the line to the SIP proxy. Click on \'Add SIP line\'. The following window appears.
Enter the gateway IP address into the SIP server address field. \'SIP name\' is the line number for calling, \'Display name\' is the text to be displayed for the called line. \'Listen port\' represents the UDP port on which the line receives calls. \'User name\' and \'Password\' are used for SIP proxy registration. Choose the required codecs by means of the Shift key. Then click on \'Add\' in the right-hand bottom corner.
Afterwards, go to the LCR menu and choose the Routes item. Proceed to \'Add route\' to define the route to the GSM network.
Enter \'Route name\' and select the GSM modules to be used for GSM routing. You may select several items by pressing the Ctrl button. In \'Time intervals\' you can determine the time validity of the routing rule. Finish this window by clicking on \'Add\' in the right-hand bottom corner.
Now move to the LCR table and press the Add button. Specify the prefixes to be used for GSM calling in the following window.
Click on \'Next\' to continue.
Here choose the route you have defined in the LCR > Routes menu. Now click on the Add button to complete this setting.
Finally, proceed to the Services bookmark.
Click on the pencil icon to modify the sip: 0 rule.
\'If prefix\' denotes the start string of the called subscriber number according to which the rule is selected. \'Strip\' is the number of characters following the \'sip:\' prefix that are removed from the called number before processing. \'Add line\' is the string to be inserted in the called number behind the \'sip:\' prefix. \'Do action\' denotes what shall be done with the call. To see which equipment units are registered to the SIP proxy, refer to the SIP proxy > Registrations menu.
From now on you can enjoy your calls to GSM.
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